Natural remedies

Your Business Your Hormones: The Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential


photo credit: OlivierJD via photopin cc

A loss of energy and motivation for your career and business can lead to obvious amounts of stress. This stress in turn leads to negative effects in your business and career. How can you, the alpha human that you are, lead your business and career with minimal stress and more energy?

Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive and Vitality Naturally with the Gottfried Protocol, provides useful and practical advice on a radio talk show for I Love Marketing. According to Gottfried, her suggestions and advice have worked for many on her “list” of people who have suffered in their career due to high levels of stress and lack of energy.

According to Gottfried, increased stress leads you to fry your hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that regulates emotion and aids in memory consolidation. You need emotional regulation and memory consolidation to be who you want to be in the world as an entrepreneur. High levels of cortisol, or stress, can also put you at an increased risk of dementia, which is Alzheimer’s disease. No working person wants to have any sort of disease, especially one that alters your brain activity in a drastic and tragic way!

Well, what exactly are these suggestions that are proven to work for your life in many ways, let alone career and business? Gottfried does not shy away from letting her audience know the secrets and methods that have worked for her and many other people. (more…)